Saturday 12 October 2013

What is Life without "Colors"?

Years ago, I was in kindergarten, primary school and then high school. When teachers mentioned colors, my mind was full of the words "colors", "colors", and more "colors". However, after I started this design course, when lecturers mentioned colors, I tend to think of these seemingly awesome art vocabularies: "shade", "tint", "saturation" etc.

I did some research and found a few of these frequently used words and phrases to describe colors.


1. Hue
Color which can are obtained from different wavelengths of light – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, purple

2. Value
The darkness or brightness comparison of two or more different colors

3. Saturation
The intensity of a color from pure to gray

4. Secondary colors
Colors made by mixing two primary colors
- Orange, green, violet

5. Tertiary colors
Colors made by mixing one primary color and one secondary color
- Red orange, yellow orange, yellow green, blue green, blue violet, red violet


6. Analogous colors
Colors that are on both sides of a particular color on the color wheel
- Blue green, GREEN, Yellow Green
- Yellow orange, ORANGE, Red orange
- Blue violet, VIOLET, Red violet

7. Tint
An act of adding white to a color to make it lighter


8. Shade
An act of adding black to a color to make it darker


9. Monochrome
A painting or photo with only one color of different values

Colors have temperature too! They can be considered warm or cold depending on different colors! 

Jokes of the Day:

"The room is really blue, can someone make it orange?"

"Hawaii is very red this time of the year."

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I need a fire extinguisher,
And a portable heater too."

Color Temperature

Warm colors
Colors that are associated with warmth and heat and stand out first to viewers
For example: Red, orange and yellow

Cold colors
Colors that are associated with coldness and look calm and relaxing to viewers
For example: Blue, green, violet

Colors can also be used to represent certain subjects like feelings or emotions. I'm not really sure if this is appropriate, but I'm feeling rather gray now (very sleepy).

Color Representation

1. Royalty and regality
Purple - because during Ancient Roman times, emperors wear toga which is purple in color as a symbol of their royal status


2. Freshness
Green - because fresh vegetables are green!


3. Passion
Red - because this color associates with intense feeling and desire. Ever heard the phrase 'fiery passion'?


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