Tuesday 8 October 2013

Assignment 3 - Paper Cutouts (Final)

After two cuts, one sore finger and a permanent scratch on my study desk, I have finally completed the two paper cutouts with the theme Vintage Clocks.

Fig 1

This is a quarter section of a clock with a rather nature feeling to it. I managed to cut our little leaf patterns on the side. The background was painted because I thought that a single color of white or green would look rather plain.

Fig 2

This is a cutout of a grandfather clock. I painted it light brown to give it a wooden surface feeling. As you might have noticed, the roman numerals are reversed as I stuck the wrong side of the cutout on the bottom layer. When I realized that mistake, the glue had already dried.

Ms Lisa reviewed my paper cutouts this morning and she said she preferred clock Fig 1 than clock Fig 2. She said the inside of clock Fig 1 could have been left white instead, but nevertheless it was still alright. However, clock Fig 2 has rather poor composition as the edges of the clock touched the border of the A4 paper that it shows tension.

I know how to use the blade more efficiently now. Although it is not as amazing as how my mom chops her vegetables, but I can cut out finer details than before. I also learnt how to be more patient with my assignments.

I had to go through many trials and errors before finally completing a good, satisfying piece. I cut off so many roman numerals by accident that the back side of the cutout is actually a mess of hastily applied glue.

Determination is also the key. If I was not determined, I would have chucked the failed cutouts out of my window. You should also go for the impossible. When I chose the Vintage Clock theme, I did not realize that I would have to handle the roman numerals. When I found out, I spent ten minutes figuring how I could even cut those tiny figures.

All in all, the end product was satisfying, but there is always one thing that bothers me after every assignment hand-in.

Could I have done better?

Yes, I really could.

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