Monday 2 December 2013

Assignment 4 - Intensive workout

The deadline for our assignment is approaching. We even specially requested for the deadline to be extended for another week since we could not handle that much workload. Whenever we have free time between classes, our group would go to the design studio to work on our cutouts.

I was in charge of handling the cutout of the magician and his 'saw people in half' trick, which was a mighty challenge since it was twice the size of the other cutouts.

June and Jessica working on the feather girl.

Even though it was not Jessica's cutout, she still helped out other members to speed up their process.

June holding up a round piece of Styrofoam, which she cut out using a penknife from the face of her feather girl. I think she was too shy to be photographed :P

Kanis delicately pasting colored paper onto her juggler cutout. It was quite difficult to get the colors to match for a juggler since they usually don colorful costume, but we did not want to mess up the colors as well.

Things was steadily progressing, until one point which we felt that we might not be able to make it in time. Then we resorted to staying up until late to rush the project. Jessica and I live in the campus hostel, so we had easy access to the campus grounds. It could be said that we spend our 24/7 in school.

Jessica yawning out of exhaustion. Her phone battery was almost dead, and she did not bring her charger. Since:
Phone battery = Teen energy level,
Phone no battery =  Teen no more energy

Jessica helping me on the design of the magician's box. We were still doing our best for our structure.

Extra info! Both of us stayed back at the studio since 10am in the morning till 1am the next day, which explains the dark sky portrayed in the photo. So we actually worked for 15 hours straight.

Me helping out Jessica's clown, which outfit was the most difficult one of all.

We got so bored that we began to play with spare pieces of paper for the magician's expression, which coincidentally happened to be our expression and that time too.

Overwhelmed by stress and weariness, we stabbed the clown mercilessly.

RIP Clown
Departed on 2013, 2 Dec

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