Tuesday 30 July 2013

First lesson of Principles of Design!

When I stepped into D1.14 for my first lesson of Principles of Design, an explosion of colors greeted me. Besides the random placements of chairs and tables, there were also projects and assignments done by the seniors hung over the wall, lying forgotten on the floor, scattered all over class as if someone had confetti-bombed the entire place.

Straws, a hollow bamboo, card boards, a wire frame of Loch Ness... you name it and it is bound to be found somewhere in a corner or a dingy cupboard.

Our lecturer, Ms. Maslisa, was a really nice, straightforward sort of person. She gave us 2 hours to design a mind map with the title "Who Am I?" and draw a portrait of ourselves. It was an activity of self discovery and also an ice breaking session among the classmates.

This is the mind map I designed by reusing old materials:

This is me without glasses:

Ta-dah! I got glasses:

(Thank you, Yazmin, for sponsoring us your A3 paper!)

The drawing and coloring part is okay. However, when we were asked to present our work to the class, everyone most probably broke into cold sweat, tried not to black out or control their hands from shaking. It was a new experience for most of us and we certainly do need to improve!

All in all, our first lesson in Principles of Design was pretty good. The two hour activity taught us time management and how leftover materials could be put into good use. The presentation was really terrifying, and there would certainly be more of those in due time, not just in Principles of Design, but other classes as well. And I could not have managed all of that without my friends.

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