Saturday 7 December 2013

Assignment 4 - The Finale! 3pm and after

We managed to complete everything just in time. The color paper, outlining, and support were all done, even though the cutout for the magician was a bit flimsy due to its size. The mineral water boxes could not really hold its weight. Nevertheless, it still looked good enough.

This was our result after spending so much time and effort doing it. I was very happy that it looked WAAAAAAAAAAAAY much better than the mock up.

Cheryl, a member from another group testing our cutouts. And she actually fitted in very well!

One of our group members embracing the feather girl cutout. Is this a sign of attachment towards an assignment? 

Besides our face cutouts, other groups had also come up with brilliant ideas.

Chloe, Cheryl, Amy, Aaron and JiaChen (who could not be found) with their Test Your Strength structure which actually worked!

Bryan, Michelle, Yueh, PeiYan, Assel, Jessy and YiQin and their amazing Ferris Wheel!

Danny, Jason, Aliya and Dini's bumper cars! They used 4 'lazy susans' to make the whole thing spin, which was an ingenious idea indeed!

The interactive balloon game by Afie, Faizah, Eza, JiaNi and Yazmin. Everyone participated in this and it was a very fun experience throwing darts onto acrylic-filled balloons, which in the end became a work of art on a previously blank piece of canvas.

Eek! A ghost???

Faizah photobombing the supposedly horror photograph.

Wait a minute...

... it's June covered in raincoat!

Everyone had lots of fun with the balloon and acrylic game, and in the end...

Dini with her stained fingers. She played so much that she got paint all over her.

Danny, an unfortunate camera man who got a blob of blue paint on his cheek.

JiaNi's rainbow colored hands. She had been tirelessly pinning balloons onto the canvas for the class to play with :D

All in all, it was a very fun project. Everyone enjoyed themselves on that very day even if the preparations before that was extremely tiring. It could be said that this was a reward for working so hard all this while - a few hours of fun with classmates whose enthusiasm I had never seen before.

I also took a picture of our lecturer, Ms Lisa, when she was watching us playing games.

I guess she was happy with the mini carnival :)

Here is also a video which summarizes the entire project, inclusive of planning and execution :

Assignment 4 - The Finale! Before 3pm

After weeks of non stop working, the opening of the carnival was like a stress relief pill. Our submission was due at 3 in the afternoon, so everyone came to the studio in the morning for final touch ups. Our group barely had time for extra finishing touches as we were still struggling to get everything done in time.

Yasmin completing her feather girl, which looked gorgeous with the sequins and hand made paper feathers. We did most of our work on the floor as our structure took too much space on the table.

Me sticking black pieces of paper on the back of the cutout, so that the rough surface of the Styrofoam was hidden and everything looked a lot neater.

Me spraying the mineral water boxes, which annoyed the entire group because no matter how many layers of black spray we applied onto it, the color looked faded black and we could still see the branding of the mineral water bottles clearly. We resorted to wrapping them instead with leftover color paper, and we were pleased with the outcome, which probably looked very much better than sprayed black.


Jessica and June closing their eyes for a short rest while waiting for our orders to arrive for lunch. All of us had been working really hard.

Never mess with annoyed design students. They are always armed with scissors and extra large penknives.

Monday 2 December 2013

Assignment 4 - Intensive workout

The deadline for our assignment is approaching. We even specially requested for the deadline to be extended for another week since we could not handle that much workload. Whenever we have free time between classes, our group would go to the design studio to work on our cutouts.

I was in charge of handling the cutout of the magician and his 'saw people in half' trick, which was a mighty challenge since it was twice the size of the other cutouts.

June and Jessica working on the feather girl.

Even though it was not Jessica's cutout, she still helped out other members to speed up their process.

June holding up a round piece of Styrofoam, which she cut out using a penknife from the face of her feather girl. I think she was too shy to be photographed :P

Kanis delicately pasting colored paper onto her juggler cutout. It was quite difficult to get the colors to match for a juggler since they usually don colorful costume, but we did not want to mess up the colors as well.

Things was steadily progressing, until one point which we felt that we might not be able to make it in time. Then we resorted to staying up until late to rush the project. Jessica and I live in the campus hostel, so we had easy access to the campus grounds. It could be said that we spend our 24/7 in school.

Jessica yawning out of exhaustion. Her phone battery was almost dead, and she did not bring her charger. Since:
Phone battery = Teen energy level,
Phone no battery =  Teen no more energy

Jessica helping me on the design of the magician's box. We were still doing our best for our structure.

Extra info! Both of us stayed back at the studio since 10am in the morning till 1am the next day, which explains the dark sky portrayed in the photo. So we actually worked for 15 hours straight.

Me helping out Jessica's clown, which outfit was the most difficult one of all.

We got so bored that we began to play with spare pieces of paper for the magician's expression, which coincidentally happened to be our expression and that time too.

Overwhelmed by stress and weariness, we stabbed the clown mercilessly.

RIP Clown
Departed on 2013, 2 Dec

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Assignment 4 - Preparation

We were given two weeks to build our face cutouts, which seemed impossible to achieve because assignments for different subjects were piling up and they have almost the same deadline. It was a very tiring time for us because we have to juggle time to do different assignments and at the same time bring out the best for each and every one of them as well.

Thankfully, I was in the same group as June, Jessica, Shazreen, Kanis and Yasmin, who were extremely cooperative and could work together well as a team without issues. We took a bus to Sunway together asn bought supplies from Popular's. We had to get Styrofoam boards as a support for the cutouts, and it took all of us to get 11 boards and other miscellaneous materials back to campus.

Figuring out how to attach mahjong paper with Styrofoam board.

We figured out mahjong paper did not go well with Styrofoam. It kept on peeling off and was not sticky at all. We had to use double tape instead and I can declare with confidence that we used at least 10 rolls for this entire project.

Tracing our small scale drawings onto HUGE paper.

We estimated 5 feet and a half as average height for a normal person. It was quite difficult estimating how long our character's torso and legs should be, since we were limited to a certain height and we still had to make sure they are proportionate.

Yasmin planning the design of her cutouts. She is doing a feather girl for her cutout, which needs rather intricate designs for the feather and pattern for her dress.

Mineral water boxes collected from 7 Eleven, which staff was generous enough to give us enough for our structure.

Spare pieces of cardboard for extra back support. This was generously donated by June, who thankfully knows how to drive independently and whose house seemed to have many materials we need. She also brought extra mahjong paper too!

Serious stuff aside, we thought of having some fun :P 

We just only got started on the basic steps, and it is still a long way to go before completion. It will take us a lot of time and effort to create cutouts equal to or even better than our mockups.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Assignment 4 - Face Cutouts!

We are assigned to build a mock-up of the face cutouts, so that we have a fair idea on how the support works and how big it should be, since the prototype is a smaller scale structure of the real one. We spent three hours building it and we thought it looked fantastic even if it was tiny.

How many balls can you juggle?

It's a very good trick - wait a minute, is he dead?!

The magician's focus is elsewhere but his hat...

Life of the party! 

And together combined, we have a face cutout that looks like this


Can't wait to see this life size!

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Assignment 4 - Color Theory (Change of Plans)

The ticket booth, formerly the one who will be built on carnival day, was sadly put aside.

Ms Lisa and the class decided that besides having just decorative structures, we should make them functional. Giving out cookies is claimed to be 'not functional enough'. After much consideration, we thought of making face cutouts.

Our plan is using a HUGE piece or several combined pieces of cardboard, draw carnival characters like clowns. magicians etc, cut out their faces and allow people to stick their heads there to take pictures. At least this idea has a bigger purpose compared to the ticket booth.

Sadly, people these days prefer taking photos than eating cookies.

Friday 25 October 2013

Assignment 4 - Color Theory (Carnival Themed)

After understanding color terms, we are applying color theory into practice. We were asked to build sculptures with the color theory in application. We thought of several themes and narrowed it down to two, which were Carnival and Desserts.

Candy Crush candies, rainbow milkshake and macaroons? Yum!

At last, we chose Carnival theme over Desserts, even though I felt like doing both. And we are going to make it big. When the word 'carnival' is mentioned, people would usually think of merry go rounds, colorful erected tents, games and hanging triangle flags.

And that is what we will be doing.

The class is divided into 6 groups of 5 or 6 members each and we will be building carnival objects. Our group will be making a ticket booth, without selling tickets but would probably be handing out cookies. It will be about 6 feet tall because we wanted people to go inside that booth, just so to make it an interactive exhibition.

It's going to be a HUGE project. One of the other groups had to make a Ferris Wheel and I heard that they are making it 10 feet tall. We are going to light up everything and it will take place at night. Hooray!

For now, we will be thinking of the materials and the entire structure of the ticket booth. So until then.