Tuesday 24 September 2013

Assignment 3 - Paper Cutouts

Ms Lisa gave us a talk on a recap of Principles of Design. We should always consider Unity and Variety, Balance, Scale and Proportion, Dominance, Rhythm and Repetition in our designs.

She also asked us about Themes and Concepts where they mean a general idea on what we are designing.

We have to do an assignment where we basically have to choose our own preferred theme and express it on paper cutouts.

1. Create two different artworks (A4) using paper cutouts and collage techniques.
2. It can be any color you wish.
3. 1 artwork should represent Balance and Symmetry.
4. 1 artwork should represent Dominance, Space and Weight.
5. Deadline: 8th October

I chose Vintage Clocks as my theme for the paper cutouts because it has intricate designs on its surface and the roman numerals really intrigued me. I think it would look fantastic if it turns out to be successful. I did 6 sketches based on the Vintage Clocks.

 Fig 1

TOP: Just one clock to represent dominance. Since it is very close up, I can emphasize on little details.
BOTTOM: Parts of clocks. There is a grandfather clock, a small round one, a clock chime and clock hands.

 Fig 2

TOP: A grandfather clock by itself. It shows balance and symmetry.
BOTTOM:  A section of a simple clock spreading out and spelling a word. Guess what it is?

Fig 3

TOP: A sand clock and curvy patterns spreading from the top and bottom base. It is supposed to be a symmetrical drawing but the other sand clock has the opposite amount of sand.
BOTTOM: Clock images without a fixed body

Ms Lisa considered these six sketches of mine and she chose Fig 1 TOP and Fig 2 TOP as asymmetrical and symmetrical cutouts respectively. She said I should go further with what I am capable of.

She also assured us that after this assignment, we will feel very comfortable in handling blades. I yearn for that to come true. I have been wrestling with blades ever since my mom came up with the idea of doing Chinese Zodiac cutouts every year.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Assignment 2 - Video on Edges

We had a video presentation about our understanding on the Rule of Thirds. My subject matter was 'Edges' and after this morning's Principle of Design class, the edges whispered 'thank you' in my ear.

Recognition. Acknowledgement.

The edges deserved those :)

Edges - Seeking Acknowledgement

Our lecturer, Ms. Lisa was generally impressed with what we had done and she said we are a step closer to being a designer. I also saw several videos of my classmates. Some do need improvement and a few really surprised me. Their videos captivated me, unlike certain rather ordinary ones. I think that's what makes a designer really successful - to be different and unique compared to the others.

Friday 6 September 2013

Assignment 2 Rule of Thirds

We are asked to cut out a frame of 9"x12" with a 1" width out of a mounting board as a view finder to understand the Rule of Thirds.

By positioning the frame, we can position objects (or subject matter) differently at various boundaries within the view finder, thus applying the effect of the Rule of Thirds on the quality of a picture.

What to do

1. Take a total of 50 photos on the same subject matter with different varieties (Exp: A bottle, but each with different designs)

2. Make a video out of the subject matter you chose to show your comprehension about the Rule.

3. Present your video.

After much consideration, I chose Edges as my subject matter.

Why edges?

I realize edges have never experience the feeling of acknowledgement. If taken at the right angle and at the right moment, the edges and the background can be combined to form a really good picture.

Edges can be found anywhere! You just have to know how to capture them (the Rule of Thirds apply here) and which edges look better than the rest.

When I do the presentation, I can provide edges with a potential of becoming a popular subject matter for future photographers ;)